Web Design

A Place to Attract and Nurture Customers

How Web Design Grows Your Brand

If social media is like asking someone on a date, then getting them to your website is the date – and your brand needs to wow visitors with the experience.

Video can serve as a non-person salesperson, so you should intentionally use video to tell these effective stories.

Build a Strong Homepage or Landing Page

First Impressions Matter in Web Design

If getting visitors to your website is one thing, then keeping them there is another. Your website is meant to capture and nurture potential customers, provide additional information to help them along their “buying” journey, and convert them into your customer.

Mance Multimedia, LLC provides tailored web design services to help you attract and nurture your ideal customer. Our design partners and the in-house team have the skill and experience to design an attractive and dynamic website.

Three Things Matter One A Website

Your Value Proposition Is Most Important

In order to get and keep the attention of visitors on your website, you have to first be clear with your value proposition – the statement that clearly says what you do and who you do it for. Focus less on being cute, and more on being clear. This message is often referred to as your value proposition, not a list of the benefits your provide (save that for the more information page).

The second key goal of a homepage is to make it relevant with the visual elements – so your visitors don’t have to guess.

Lastly, you must have a clear and primary call-to-action, often called a CTA, which is the one thing you want your customers to do. If you have a lot of info, it may be “learn more” – but typically this should be a direct as like “book now!”

Again, your homepage should have:

  • A clear value proposition
  • Complimentary visuals
  • A direct call-to-action
Integrate Your Website With a Sales Process

Your website is how you get customers into your sales process.

There are various ways to get customers to your website, and that is a tool used in the same manner as a movie trailer. Your website comes into play when you want to hang onto that connection.

Here’s an example, often referred to as a lead magnet:

If you want more restaurant customers, you offer a coupon for a free meal. To get the meal, they have to go to your website and register for a coupon. This is permission-based, as they want the item you are offering, and don’t mind giving you their email address.

Your brand is now in a position to directly contact and nurture that relationship through future emails, gift cards and more. 

Building credibility is the main idea here, as people are more likely to listen to others talk about how awesome you are – opposed to you saying it.

Thanks for saving the day for UTS and the communities we serve! We totally appreciate you!
Tiffney Davidson-Parker
Tiffney Davidson-Parker
Healthcare Executive

Web design is one of the 5 Key Areas that need strategic attention in order to build and grow a recognizable brand. It acts as a hub of information, captures your generated leads, and is what search engines use to find information about you and your competitors.

Brand IdenTity Design
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Graphic Design
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Web Design
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Video Production
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