Stories Told Through Video Builds Your Overall Brand

Every individual, every business, and everything has a story – even if you’re not the one telling it.
Bad news travels quickly, but good news is shared more!
If you have a bad reputation, and vice-versa, your story precedes you. It’s important that everyone, whether personal or professional, tell their own story. If you don’t, someone else will.
In an age dominated by social media, we now have a more direct way to reach the masses – in particular our target audience. This was the case when producing this video for the Greenville County Sheriff’s Office in Greenville, SC, in partnership with the Riley Institute.
As national tension and turmoil amongs the public and those swore to protect them rose, this law enforcement department wanted to shine a light on the positive programs and project their organization were doing to help the community.
Telling their story through video, and communicating through social media, helped the public see that not all cops are bad.
While the nation was constantly telling an overall negative story about law enforcement, they chose to tell their own story.
The video received 5,630 total views on Facebook, with 15 shares. The total reach for the campaign was 17,700 people.